March 20, 2018

Meeting Procedures & Bylaws

Clevelanders for Public Transit meetings are run with Rusty’s Rules of Order, used by branches of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). It is a lighter version of Robert’s Rules.





Section 1.1 Name. The name of this corporation is CLEVELANDERS FOR PUBLIC TRANSIT (hereinafter “CPT”). It is a nonprofit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Ohio.

1.2 Location. CPT shall operate in Cleveland, OH, and the region served by the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority.

1.3 Parliamentary Authority. The Rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern CPT in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order CPT may adopt.



Section 2.1 Purpose. CPT is a rider’s organization intended to support and promote the interests of transit riders including safe, affordable, accessible, reliable as well as environmentally and financially sustainable public transportation in Northeast Ohio. CPT is a riders’ organization in partnership with labor and community allies.



The Coordinating Committee

Section 3.1. Purpose. The Coordinating Committee is an elected body that shall be empowered to execute decisions made by voting members, develop and set policy, oversee budgets, staff, and day-to-day operations.

Section 3.2. Officers. The Coordinating Committee shall include a chair, co-chair, secretary, treasurer and at-large members. Coordinating Committee members shall serve on at least one additional committee or working group.

Section 3.3. Composition of the Coordinating Committee. The voting membership will determine the number of at-large members to be elected.

Section 3.4. Elections for the Coordinating Committee. Voting members and Coordinating Committee members are eligible to vote in Coordinating Committee elections. The Coordinating Committee shall take reasonable measures to advertise the election beginning at least 4 weeks in advance in order to ensure the greatest participation of membership. Elections shall be held annually at a general membership meeting. Votes shall be cast by secret ballot. Ballots will be counted by 2 voting members who have not been nominated for the election. The total number of votes per eligible candidate shall be counted.

      1. The 2 candidates with at least 1 year Coordinating Committee experience with the most votes are reelected to meet requirements of Section 3.5.
      2. In the event of a tie, both candidates shall be deemed to be elected and the count shall proceed to the candidate with the next highest number of votes.
      3. In the event of a tie for last place, a coin toss performed by the voting members performing the ballot count shall determine which candidate is elected for last place.

Election results will be presented to the membership prior to the conclusion of meetings during which elections are held. Members must be voting members in good standing at the time of nomination in order to be eligible for Coordinating Committee.

Section 3.5 Nominations for the Coordinating Committee. Nominations shall be made:

      1. From the floor of the general meeting prior to the election and must be seconded by a voting member.
      2. By notifying the chair at least two weeks prior to the election and must be seconded by an officer.

Section 3.6. Term of Office.

      1. Coordinating Committee members will be elected by ballot for a term of two years or until their successors are elected.
      2. In order to establish staggered terms, the Coordinating Committee shall be divided as equally as possible into two groups. One group shall serve an initial term of one year. The other group shall serve an initial term of two years.
      3. Thereafter, an election shall be held each year to elect members to fill expiring terms. Each Coordinating Committee member shall be elected to hold office for a term of two years or until their successor is elected.

Section 3.7. Nominations for Committee Positions. 

      1. At the Coordinating Committee meeting following the election, incoming Coordinating Committee members will be nominated for the officer roles described in Article IV. The Coordinating Committee will notify the general membership of officer nominations one week before a general membership meeting.
      2. Voting members shall ratify these nominations by a majority vote at the next general membership meeting following the election.
      3. Coordinating Committee members who have served since the last general election are eligible to be nominated for or to hold the Chair and Treasurer officer roles.
      4. Officer roles shall expire annually following ratification of the incoming officers as described in 3.6.2.

Section 3.8. Limitations. Each Coordinating Committee member elected shall hold only one officer role at a time.

Section 3.9. Vacancies. If the resignation or removal of a Coordinating Committee member reduces the Coordinating Committee membership to below the minimum number, an interim member will be elected by general membership in a special election to fill the remainder of the term.

Section 3.10. Removal from Office. Any Coordinating Committee member may be removed with or without cause, at any time, by 2/3 majority of the Coordinating Committee, if in their judgment the best interest of CPT would be served. Vote by the majority of the voting membership can confirm removal or reinstatement.

      1. The officer must be informed before publication of the proposed removal.
      2. The proposed removal must be placed on the written agenda distributed by email and archived in accessible hard copy form at least one week ahead of the general meeting at which the vote for removal is to take place.

Section 3.11. Resignation from Office. Coordinating Committee members are requested to inform the Coordinating Committee of their resignations in writing. The Coordinating Committee will inform the general membership and archive all written resignations in hard copy form.

Section 3.12 Participation Requirements. Failure to fulfill minimum Coordinating Committee obligations or attendance requirements as described in Article 3 or 4 will be accepted by the Committee as a de facto or implicit resignation. In-person participation is required for at least 80% of Coordinating Committee meetings. The Coordinating Committee may vote to approve phone or virtual participation on a per member per meeting basis to meet attendance requirements. Voting members will be informed of any de facto resignations. The Coordinating Committee member will be informed before publication of such de facto resignation to the voting members.



Duties of the Coordinating Committee

Section 4.1. Chair. Coordinates with Coordinating Committee and staff to convene meetings and send out agendas. The chair shall preside at all Coordinating Committee and general membership meetings.

Section 4.2.Co-Chair. Understands the responsibilities of the chair and performs these duties in the chair’s absence. Carries out special assignments and additional assistance as requested by the chair.

Section 4.3. Secretary. Coordinates with Coordinating Committee and staff to arrange note-taking and distribution of minutes of Coordinating Committee and general meetings. Minutes shall be distributed to voting members and archived in hard copy form. Archives all proposals and additional committee reports.

Section 4.4. Treasurer. Maintains and presents monthly report at Coordinating Committee meeting of income and expenditures. The Treasurer shall sign or countersign all certificates, contracts, or other instruments of CPT with the approval of the Coordinating Committee except where otherwise designated in these bylaws.

Section 4.5. At-large officers. Coordinating Committee members shall perform the duties assigned to them in the bylaws or other duties prescribed by the Coordinating Committee as ratified by voting members.



Section 5.1. General Membership. Any person or entity who agrees with CPT’s Transit Bill of Rights is a general member. All general members can attend general membership meetings.

Section 5.2. Voting Membership. A member earns the right to vote on CPT proposals, bylaws and elections for Coordinating Committee members beginning on the date of their third membership meeting or action for which attendance is recorded per rolling year. If a member is not able to attend a regular meeting, the voting membership may make a motion to allow that member to vote on a per-member, per-meeting basis. A Coordinating Committee member may vouch for a member’s presence at a qualifying meeting or action if the member’s attendance is not recorded in CPT’s records. A member’s status as a voting member shall be maintained by continuing to attend a minimum of three membership meetings or actions for which attendance is recorded per rolling year.

Section 5.3 Termination of Membership. The membership of any member shall terminate upon occurrence of any of the following events:

      1. The resignation of the member.
      2. Any member may be removed with or without cause, at any time, by 2/3 majority of the Coordinating Committee, if in their judgment the best interest of CPT would be served. Vote by the majority of the voting membership can confirm termination or reinstatement.




Section 6.1. Coordinating Committee meetings. Coordinating Committee meetings shall be held at least quarterly and advertised to all voting members. Proposals may be introduced by the Coordinating Committee, other committees, staff, or any voting member. Proposals from general members may be submitted to the chair or co-chair at least one week in advance in order to appear on the agenda. New business can be introduced by voting members pending approval by the majority of the Coordinating Committee.

Section 6.2. General membership meetings. General membership meetings shall be held at least quarterly and advertised publicly. Proposals may be introduced by any voting member or staff. Proposals from general members may be submitted to the chair or co-chair at least one week in advance in order to appear on the agenda.

Section 6.3. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by any Coordinating Committee member, or five voting members may request a special meeting via written request to the secretary. Notice of the meeting shall be sent to voting members at least three days prior to the meeting, or as soon as possible if prohibited by time constraints.

Section 6.4. Quorum. A quorum for conducting business of the Coordinating Committee shall consist of two-thirds of its members. The quorum shall be ten voting members for proposals voted on at general membership meetings.



Additional Committees

Section 7.1. Additional committees. Additional committees shall be created or dismissed as needed by a decision the Coordinating Committee or voting members at general meetings.

      1. Committees should be executed according to needs of CPT.
      2. Committees at a minimum should have a chair.
      3. Committee members shall elect a secretary at each meeting.
      4. Committees should meet on a regular basis as needed.
      5. Written reports from each committee meeting should be presented to the general membership and submitted to the Coordinating Committee secretary to be archived.

Section 7.2. Quorum. Three members constitutes a quorum.



Records and Reports

Section 8.1. Meetings. Minutes from general membership and Coordinating Committee meetings shall be taken by the Secretary. Other committees shall submit written reports from each meeting to the Secretary to archive.

Section 8.2. Proposals. All adopted proposals, policies and bylaw revisions shall be archived in hard copy and electronic forms and shall be available for review upon request by any voting member.

Section 8.3. Committee decisions. All such decisions of the Coordinating Committee shall be recorded, available for review, and open to modification, or reversal by voting membership.

      1. All proposals and decisions requiring a majority vote of the Coordinating Committee shall be recorded and archived in electronic and hardcopy forms, including a record of the votes of the Committee members who voted for them.
      2. Any officer or voting member may then request further information for review and potential reversal or modification of any such decision, in the form of a proposal to be voted on by the voting membership.




Section 9.1. Obligations. Staff members obligations shall be defined in the job description set by the Coordinating Committee.

Section 9.2. Hiring. Hiring staff members is the responsibility of the Coordinating Committee. Majority of the Coordinating Committee must approve the hiring of any staff member.

Section 9.3. Limitations. Staff members are not eligible to serve on the Coordinating Committee or as voting members although they may attend meetings, and present, revise and discuss proposals.

Section 9.4. Termination. Coordinating Committee members can remove staff members by presenting such a proposal to the Coordinating Committee.

      1. The staff member must be informed before publication of the proposed removal.
      2. The proposed removal must be placed on the written agenda distributed by email and archived in accessible hard copy form at least one week ahead of the Committee meeting at which the vote for removal is to take place.
      3. A majority of the Coordinating Committee is required for removal.



Nondiscrimination and Harassment Policy

Section 10.1 Nondiscrimination. It is the policy of CPT that all participants in CPT activities will enjoy an environment free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. CPT is dedicated to equality of opportunity and treatment for all members, regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disabilities, veteran status, or any other reason not related to scientific merit.

Section 10.2 Harassment. CPT expects that all relationships among members are free of bias, prejudice and sexual harassment. Therefore, discriminatory behavior or sexual harassment shall be grounds for immediate termination of membership.



Grievance Process

Section 11.1. Other forms of conflict resolution are encouraged. All parties are encouraged to resolve disagreements and disputes through one-on-one dialogue, discussions with officers and voting members, and/or formal mediation whenever possible.

Section 11.2. Filing a Grievance. Grievances from voting members must be submitted, in writing, to the secretary, within 90 days of the alleged violation. A grievance must state the action being grieved, the provision which was allegedly violated, how the grievant was harmed, and identify a remedy.

Section 11.3 Initial Review and Response. The Coordinating Committee will review the proposed grievance, determine its findings, and render a decision on the grievance. The Coordinating Committee shall notify the grievant of the decision, in writing, within 60 days of the receipt of the grievance.


Amendment of Bylaws

Section 12.1. Bylaw Revision. All revisions to bylaws must be submitted as proposals at least one week before the Coordinating Committee meeting at which they will be voted upon. Two-thirds of the Coordinating Committee must vote in favor to modify the bylaws confirmed by a majority of the voting membership. The date of latest adopted revisions shall be placed at the end of the last version of the bylaws document, with a very brief summary of the changes that were made with each revision at the bottom.

Last update: November 2020. Coordinating Committee changed to staggering 2 year terms. Participation requirements strengthened.