Share Your Experience with RTA Police & Next Riders Meeting 11/29


Can you join us at the RTA board meeting? We need riders to speak up about their experiences with transit police and delays on the HealthLine.

Can’t make it to the meeting but still have something to say? Call 216-714-2164 to share your story. We will forward all comments to RTA.


Whats this all about? As you may have heard recently,
RTA’s fare enforcement on the HealthLine has been ruled unconstitutional

As RTA is forced to review its fare enforcement policies, now is the time to demand change and accountability from RTA. Attend the board meeting or call us with your experiences.

RTA’s board meeting will be held Tuesday, November 21 at 9:00 AM at RTA Headquarters, 1240 W. Sixth St. We encourage riders to attend to provide public comment and support.

View talking points and our full statement here.

Next CPT riders meeting will be held Wednesday, November 29th. Will you attend?

The next riders meeting is Wednesday, November 29th from 6:00-7:30pm at the Cuyahoga County Progressive Caucus at 11910 Detroit Ave. All riders that want better transit should attend.

RSVP and share on Facebook here.

**The red line will be running shuttle buses between Tower City and W 117th. If you need a ride please leave a voice mail or text us at 216-714-2164**

We will be putting together an action plan to raise awareness and prevent the fare increase in August 2018. Bring your ideas!

We will continue to discuss our bylaws, with the official coordinating committee starting early 2018.

We will also discuss issues with bus stops access during construction. This has been an issue for awhile, we need riders to get together and take action.

Finally, we will discuss rotating meetings in neighborhoods versus one central location each month.

Link to proposed bylaws (updated 10/30):