Happy Holidays from CPT!

Thank you for making transit a priority in 2017.

In 2017 we worked together to get Public Square reopen. Hundreds of riders contacted their state representatives to take action on the MCO tax. We helped Cuyahoga County Council establish a transit committee that will continue provide fresh ideas and oversight to RTA. We continued to get riders involved to fight against the next fare increase, which continue all-time lows in RTA ridership.

Because of your hard work, the fix for the MCO tax was included in the state budget, but it was vetoed by Governor Kasich. We are still awaiting possible state funding that would temporarily prevent huge service cuts.

If you want to see Clevelanders for Public Transit continue this work in 2018, make a donation today! Any amount is greatly appreciated.

Contribute to CPT!

We need your help in 2018!

We will continue to hold monthly riders meetings and encourage you to get involved.

The next riders meeting will be 5:30pm Thursday 1/11 at MLK Library, 1962 Stokes Boulevard.

RSVP and share on Facebook here!


CPT Fair Fares and Bylaws Committees continue to do the work.

Fair Fares Committee will meet Wednesday, January 3rd at 6pm. RSVP by emailing info@clefortransit.org for more information.

There is a lot of work to be done to prevent the next fare increase. We have concrete steps and need your feedback. This will be CPT’s main focus in 2018.

Bylaws Committee

CPT is establishing bylaws early next year. This is needed to continue our work long-term. Bylaws are also critical in how the organization actually works and gets things done.

Revised CPT bylaws are available here. Please email us with any feedback. Thanks!