We Need YOU: March and Rally for Transit July 23rd!

Join us on July 23rd at 5pm outside RTA Headquarters for a march to Public Square!

The rally will begin on the south side of Public Square at 5:30pm. Free donuts!

We are demanding local funding for immediate fare relief and service restoration.

SHARE on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/226754268120281/

BACKGROUND: Transit provides access to jobs, education, healthcare and many other destinations for thousands of members of our community. Unfortunately, transit in our region is in a death spiral: an endless cycle of service cuts, fare increases and ridership decline. A new vision is needed.

Since that 2006, RTA fares have doubled while service has declined by over 25 percent. The result is record-low ridership of just 39.5 million rides last year — a decrease of over 30 percent in the past decade.

Ohio’s level of funding for transit falls below Nebraska, Arkansas and most states in the country. Since the state of Ohio has failed to adequately address the need to connect taxpayers to jobs and opportunities, local leadership must act to solve the death spiral that RTA riders are currently facing.


Can’t make the march? We need you at the next RTA Board Meeting Tuesday, July 24th…

Please attend this meeting to speak on the importance of transit funding now! The RTA Board needs to hear from riders like you.

We will meet beforehand at 8:30am at Starbucks, 1374 West 6th Street.

Please email info@clefortransit.org to RSVP! Your participation is critical.


Our next riders meeting will be Monday, July 16th, 6pm at Tower City.

We will be making signs and preparing for the upcoming rally.

Hope to see you there!


**Please note the location change to the All Aboard Ohio office in Tower City. All Aboard Ohio is located on the Public Square level above the food court (back right corner if coming from Public Square).**

RSVP and share on Facebook here.


RTA Quarterly Service Planning Open House

CPT has suggested regular RTA public meetings prior to service changes for years! We are glad RTA has taken us up on the idea to collect feedback from riders prior to making changes to routes.

RTA’s next Quarterly Service Planning Open House will be held on Tuesday, July 17 at the RTA Main Office Board Room located at 1240 W. 6th Street. There will be two sessions, 12pm and 5:30pm.

RTA will be discussing the 14, 15, 19, 76, 77F, and 90F bus routes.

However, if you can’t make it, you can email comments to public-comment@gcrta.org, and the presentation will be posted at rideRTA.com/quarterlyopenhouse after the meeting.


Improve transit in Cleveland. Donate to CPT!

CPT is a grassroots riders organization. This work is only possible with your support.

We organized to delay RTA fare hikes. This will save riders millions of dollars every year.
Make a donation today!