Take Action to Support Transit Funding!

Take action: Click here to contact the RTA Board to support transit funding.


Clevelanders for Public Transit has been working for years at the state and local level to fund transit.

When we learned that the state government was making changes that would result in millions of dollars lost for transit riders all over Ohio, including $20 million to RTA, we opposed it. In July of 2016, RTA said this was a “significant, catastrophic loss of revenue.”

Even with looming $20 million annual loss, RTA’s Board of Trustees did not seek local revenue in 2016 or 2017, while riders faced service cuts and fare increases.

In fact, RTA service has been cut over 25% while fares have doubled since 2005. Enough is enough.

Take action: Demand RTA board members fund transit NOW!


Clevelanders for Public Transit supports a 5-year local levy for transit funding this November.

Not only to add service and reduce fares immediately, but to make fares fair and redesign the whole system to make it more useful.

But the levy won’t happen without your support.

Click here to tell RTA board members why we need transit funding!


The deadline is for a levy is less than a week away. Please send your message of support TODAY and share on social media!

Together we will win frequent bus and rapid service, cheaper fares, new rail cars and more. Let’s make it happen.