CPT is Winning! Help Us Build the Movement on 5/21.

Attend the Riders Meeting 5/21 at Neighborhood Connections.

Opening Public Square, preventing fare increases, new RTA public meetings before service changes are wins from riders involved with CPT. Help us win better transit!

See you Monday, 5/21, at 6pm at Neighborhood Connections, 5000 Euclid Ave, right above the Agora Theatre. Food will be provided!

RTA Board still needs to adopt the full #FairFares plan!

GCRTA has delayed the fare increase! Now is the time to adopt our #FairFares plan!

Read the full #FairFares plan here!

#FairFares is about more than affordable fares, it is also about making RTA safer and more convenient. The RTA Board must act to make improvements and stop the death spiral.

We will continue to attend RTA Board meetings to show support for #FairFares.

The next GCRTA Board meeting is Tuesday, May 15th.

Riders will meet beforehand at 8:30am at Starbucks, 1374 West 6th Street. Can you make it?



Improve transit in Cleveland. Donate to CPT!

CPT is a grassroots riders organization. This work is only possible with your support.

Preventing the fare hike will save riders millions of dollars every year.
Make a donation today!