Press Release: Upon Dixon Investigation RTA Board Must Change

Clevelanders for Public Transit is disappointed to learn that former Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Chairman George Dixon received $1.1 million in healthcare benefits without paying premiums while riders experienced service cuts and fare increases as a result of budget shortfalls.

As ridership declined to an all-time low in 2017, RTA board members appointed by the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County were content to reappoint Dixon as chairman for the twenty-fourth year.

Dixon’s departure presents an opportunity for meaningful positive change through which RTA staff and and elected officials can—and must— prioritize riders. With a current board appointment available, Clevelanders for Public Transit is calling upon County Executive Armond Budish to appoint a RTA rider to RTA’s Board of Trustees.

Clevelanders for Public Transit supports the RTA’s board’s decision to both remove its members’ eligibility for RTA health insurance coverage and the rotation of board positions. While these are positive steps, further action is needed.